Lipid-1 (LC-1) is a 36.7ku protein that is a member of the LC superfamily (LC-1, LC-2, LC-5, etc.), also known as the adherent protein superfamily. Initially, it was used as a “second messenger” for the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids and was later found to play a role in cell growth regulation and differentiation, leukocyte migration, CNS response to cytokines, neuroendocrine and neurodegeneration Important role. The role of LC-1 in mediating the induction of glucocorticoids has been demonstrated using immunological neutralization strategies and the role of high purity or recombinant LC-1, or mimicking steroids with its bioactive peptide fragments. It has been suggested that the mode of action of LC-1 may mainly inhibit the formation of prostaglandin (PG), which now appears to alter a wide variety of cellular functions. This article also briefly described the nature of LC-1, the various roles and clinical relationship, and possible mechanism of action.