
来源 :中国药物与临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lantaiwin
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晚期心力衰竭患者出现严重水钠潴留,不同种类利尿剂合用和(或)大剂量呋噻米应用可增加利尿效应[1],部分患者效果仍差。等剂量的呋噻米持续静脉滴注较静脉注射在体内及肾小管内维持更长时间的高水平,利尿效应强于静脉注射[2,3]。本研究旨在介绍静脉注射呋噻米效果欠佳时静脉滴注 Patients with advanced heart failure appear severe Shuinazhuliu, different types of diuretics combined with (or) large doses of furosemide can increase diuretic effect [1], some patients are still poor results. An equal dose of furosemide sustained intravenous infusion in the body and renal tubules to maintain a higher level of longer, higher diuretic effect than intravenous injection [2,3]. The purpose of this study was to introduce intravenous infusion of furosemide intravenously when its effect was poor
Created at the very height of Impressionism, this work is a typicalexample of how the Impressionist artists sought to convey a passingglimpse or impression of n
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What is Negotiating? 什么是谈判?Negotiating is the process of having formal discussions to reach agreement between parties which is beneficial to both. The part
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