一、进一步掌握数形结合的思想方法解析几何是用代数方法研究几何问题的一门学科,因此在解析几何中充满着数与形的辩证关系,数形结合是解析几何的基本思想方法. 1.直线的倾角、斜率、曲线与方程、圆锥曲线的定义等都是解析几何中的重要概念,对这些内容务必要做到准确理解和灵活运用.
First, to further grasp the idea of combination of number and shape Analytic geometry is a discipline that uses algebraic methods to study geometric problems. Therefore, analytic geometry is full of the dialectical relationship between numbers and shapes. The combination of numbers and shapes is the basic idea of analytic geometry. 1. The inclinations, slopes, curves and equations, and the definition of conic curves are all important concepts in analytical geometry. It is important to understand and use them flexibly.