衰老是每个人都要面对的问题,只不过每个人对待它的态度不同罢了。我喜欢看香港的警匪片,也许用喜欢这个词儿不太贴切,只有在无聊的时候我才会想起租几张碟看看,大概是因为在我生命里无聊的时间占大多数,所以我看过的碟要远远多于读过的书。 于是就总能看到这样一些演员,一大把年纪还混个跑龙套的角色,穿件花衬衫沿街收保护费,在每一次火拼中第一个倒下。我知道他们不是英雄,英雄的迟暮让人伤感,可不是英雄的人一样会到迟暮之年,年少时也曾有过英雄的梦想,却在碌碌中走过一生。因为他们不是英雄,所以没人关注他们的去留,也不会有人为他们的落幕流泪。老境的悲凉与往日的热闹,纠结不清心气难平。那一点点的印记就这样慢慢淡去,直到有一天,不再有人记得他们曾经在这世上存在过。
Aging is a problem everyone has to face, except that everyone treats it differently. I like to watch gangster films in Hong Kong. Maybe I do not like the word. I only think of renting a few plates when I’m bored, presumably because I’m boring most of my life, so I think There are far more discs than we ever read. So we can always see such a number of actors, a lot of age are also mixed play the role of a long sleeve, wearing a flower shirt protection fees collected along the street, the first fall in each Rush. I know they are not heroes. The heroic twilight makes people sad. People who are not heroes will reach the end of their twilight years. When they were young, they had heroes’ dreams, but they had gone through life. Because they are not heroes, no one cares about their stay, nor does anyone shed tears for their ending. Desolate old past and lively, tangled heart difficult. The mark of that little bit fades slowly, until one day no one remembers that they had existed in this world.