据报载;广东佛山陶瓷研究所把陶瓷辊棒生产车间列为保密车间,凡来访或考察的中外著名人士一律“谢绝入内”。这种强烈的保密意识值得称道。 然而,现在有些企业在社会主义市场经济的冲击下,把企业推向市场的同时,忽视了经济技术情报的保密工作,导致一些重大科研成果的泄密,给国家带来无法估量的经济损失。比如,安徽泾县在浙江扶持某镇办起了一家造纸厂,对来访的日本人
According to the report, Guangdong Foshan Ceramics Research Institute has listed the ceramic roller bar production workshop as a confidential workshop, and all Chinese and foreign celebrities who have visited or inspected will “save access to the interior”. This strong sense of confidentiality is commendable. However, at present, some companies have pushed enterprises to the market under the impact of the socialist market economy, neglecting the confidentiality of economic and technical information, leading to the disclosure of major scientific research achievements and bringing incalculable economic losses to the country. For example, Ganxian County, Anhui Province has set up a paper mill in a town in Zhejiang Province to support the visiting Japanese.