国内企业家们的海外移民浪潮正愈演愈烈,然而却很少有人打算将生意也移到海外。早在10年前的广东,先富起来的企业家就纷纷在香港、澳门及东南亚地区取得外籍身份。现在,这股风潮正蔓延到上海、江浙甚至中西部地区。 1995年至现在,出国高峰一直持续。与以前出国留学不同的是,有钱的老板成为海外移民大军中的主体。现在,这种势头有增无减。数据
The wave of overseas immigrants from domestic entrepreneurs is getting stronger and stronger, but few plan to move their business abroad. As early as 10 years ago, Guangdong, the first rich entrepreneurs have in Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia to obtain foreign status. Now, this trend is spreading to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang and even the Midwest. From 1995 to the present, the peak of going abroad has continued. Unlike previous studies abroad, wealthy employers became the mainstay of the overseas immigrants. Now, the momentum is on the rise. data