我最大的乐趣就是逛花市。一日逛花市,见人们将换盆分栽时多余的广东万年青扔在地上,横七竖八,有的沾满了泥土,有的已经萎蔫。我觉得这些花儿丢了很可惜。于是我将其拾起,洗净、去除烂叶、晾干,用别人送我的一个有着蓝色竹叶花纹的花瓶,装一些小鹅卵石栽上。首先,我将花瓶中先装好约半瓶小鹅卵石,然后,将准备好的广东万年青很小心地放入瓶中,一个个地摆好位置,疏密相间,高低错落,再用剩下的石子进行固定,小鹅卵石装到花瓶约三分之二处,然后加入清水。于是,一盆水养广东万年青盆花就完成了。 摆在办公桌上,顿觉绿意盎然,令我高兴不
My biggest joy is to visit flower market. Visit the flower market on the 1st, see people will be replaced when the potted transplanted Guangdong evergreen throwing on the ground, all sorts of things, some covered with soil, and some have wilted. I think it is a pity that these flowers are lost. So I picked it up, washed it, removed the rotten leaves, dried it, sent me a vase with blue bamboo leaves and put some small pebbles on it. First of all, I put about half a bottle of small pebbles in the vase, and then I prepared the Guangdong Evergreen into the bottle carefully, setting one by one, densely and densely spaced, the level of scattered, and then the remaining stones Fix the pebbles to about two-thirds of the vase, then add fresh water. As a result, a potted water of Guangdong evergreen potted flowers to complete. Placed on the desk, feeling green, I am happy not