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有的剧团自进行改革,试行承包以来,戏固然演出多了,演员的收入也增加了,但无法保证质量,而且新剧目的创作也相应减少了。于是,有些剧团下决心一分为二,将剧团分为两摊:一摊应付日常上演,以移植老戏、整理传统戏为主;一摊则着重上演新创作剧目,定名为实验小分队,主要任务是不断加工和上演优秀的创作剧目。这样既解决了剧团经济收入的问题,也保证了新剧目的创作与加工提高。大家称此为“以副养农,以老扶新”。剧团要发展,戏剧要发展,就要创作新剧目,创造新的表导演手法,改革一切不适应反映发展了的生活和观众新的审美要求的旧舞台形式。我觉得这个做 Some of the troupes have performed a lot since the reform and trial implementation of the contract. The performers’ income has also increased, but the quality can not be guaranteed and the creation of new plays has also been reduced accordingly. As a result, some theatrical troupe determined to break the troupe into two parts: one to deal with daily staging to transplant old plays and organize traditional plays; one stall was focused on staged new creations, named experimental squad, The main task is to continue processing and staged outstanding creative repertoire. This will not only solve the troupe’s economic income issues, but also ensure the creation and processing of new plays to improve. We call this as “supporting agriculture by the side, with the old help new.” To develop the theater and to develop its drama, it is necessary to create new repertoire, create new style of table director, and reform all the old stage forms that do not suit the new aesthetic requirements of the developed life and audience. I think this is done
1 引言黄河是我国第二条万里巨川,源远流长,历史悠久。黄河流域是中华民族的摇篮,长期以来黄河中下游一直是中国政治、经济和文化的中心,为中国发展作出了巨大的贡献。在当
根据资料及其在实际工程中的应用情况 ,介绍玻璃钢夹砂管的结构、性能及施工中应注意的问题。 According to the material and its application in the actual project, the
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10月 9日,响水县小尖镇境内 204国道与 307省道交叉处、东西南北各 500米内的马路市场被彻底取缔,望着来往车辆畅通无阻地驶向四面八方,当地干群无不拍手称快。至此,响水县境内 5
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