本文报道了单养尼罗罗非鱼 (Orecohromisniloticus)对施肥处理下盐碱池塘围隔生态系统浮游生物群落的影响。结果表明 ,罗非鱼的放养使浮游植物丰度、叶绿素a含量和初级生产力增大 ,浮游植物小型化 ,生物量以小型硅藻和绿藻占优势 ,裸藻占有相当比重 ;浮游动物生物量也增大 ,桡足类占优势 ,枝角类小型化 ,原生动物密度增大。施肥特别是施有机肥能显著地提高浮游植物生物量 ,使透明度降低 ,但施无机肥对初级生产力和浮游动物生物量影响不大。施有机肥围隔浮游植物和浮游动物密度、浮游动物生物量和浮游生物多样性指数高于其他有鱼围隔 ,罗非鱼的生长最好。文后讨论了罗非鱼滤食和施肥对浮游生物群落结构的影响 ,并与鲢鱼的实验结果 (赵文 ,1999)进行了比较
This paper reports the effects of monoculture of Nile tilapia (Orecohromis niloticus) on the plankton community in the enclosures of saline-alkaline ponds under fertilization. The results showed that the stocking of tilapia increased phytoplankton abundance, chlorophyll a content and primary productivity, the miniaturization of phytoplankton, biomass dominated by small-sized diatoms and green algae, and the proportion of euglena occupied a considerable proportion. The biomass of zooplankton Also increased, copepods dominated, cladocera miniaturization, protozoa increased density. Fertilization, especially organic manure application, could significantly improve the phytoplankton biomass and reduce the transparency, but application of inorganic fertilizers had little effect on primary productivity and zooplankton biomass. The application of organic manure to phytoplankton and zooplankton density, zooplankton biomass and plankton diversity index higher than the other fish enclosures, the growth of tilapia best. The effects of tilapia filteration and fertilization on plankton community structure are discussed later, and compared with experimental results of silver carp (Zhao, 1999)