Based on the statistical data of major mining areas or exploration areas in the country, the relationship between the petrophysical factors such as coal rank, coal rock type and microscopic component composition, coal gas content, adsorption, permeability and so on are summarized. Mechanism of controlling gas in reservoir rock physics. It is found that the “envelope” of coal-gas content has a gradual evolutional pattern. The significant change of the maximum gas content is consistent with the height of the coalification step. The areas with high coalbed gas content are equally spaced along the latitudinal and Higher coal rank coal distribution area is consistent, there is a vitrinite content in the relationship between Rankine volume and vitrinite content of coal. It is pointed out that the essence of controlling the gas during different coalification stages lies in the evolution of the physical structure and the chemical structure of the coal. The idea of controlling the gas by sedimentation is of practical significance for the prediction of coal reservoir permeability heterogeneity.