
来源 :新高考(语文数学英语) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paullove0906
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高考数学填空题和选择题一样是不要求写出解答过程的客观性试题,但选择题的正确答案在四个选择支中,即使不会做,跟着感觉走,答对的可能性(概率)也有41.填空题不会做一般就没有办法了,因此得分率一直比较低,以前高考填空题只有4道(每题4分),逐渐增加到了现在江苏卷的6道(上海卷 The answer to the blanks for mathematics in the college entrance examination is the same as the multiple-choice question, which does not require the objectivity of the answering process. However, if the correct answer to a multiple-choice question is in the four choices, even if you do not do it, follow the feeling and the probability (probability) of the correct answer. 41. There is no way to fill in the blank and there is no way to do it, so the score rate has been relatively low. The previous college entrance exam filled in only 4 questions (4 points per question), and gradually increased to 6 of the current Jiangsu volume (Shanghai Volume
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高中语文课本所选的《促织》,是《聊斋志异》中优秀篇章,主题思想和艺术成就均达到很高水平,可谓是文学精品。本文拟从情节、语言、人物三方面赏析其艺术魅力。     一、情节曲折,构思严谨     我国小说起源于古代的神话传说,因此形成的艺术传统是,非常注重故事的情节,善于营造跌宕起伏的曲折性和起承转合的完整性。  《促织》一文以"促织"为线索,叙述清晰,又曲折动人。它的情节可以概括如下:征虫──觅虫─