Chinese fashion gaining foothold overseas 中国时尚在海外站稳脚跟

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  Chengdu is creating new fashionable trends with its local traditional handicrafts.
  Sheme, a Chengdu womens shoe brand founded in 2009, incorporates embroidery into its designs. Targeting the high?end international market, the brand debuted its collection at the 2013 London Fashion Week, with its unique Eastern aesthetics impressing on the international stage.
  Liu Qiongying, founder of Sheme, started the business from a small leather shoe workshop, which originally worked for overseas brands. As her business expanded, Liu said Sheme started participating in international exhibitions and even winning overseas orders.
  The success ignited Lius desire to develop a proprietary high?end shoe brand. She had spent 10 years looking for top footwear designers, technicians and creative directors worldwide to establish a research and development team, in an effort to design shoes featuring traditional Chinese culture and fashion elements. In July, Sheme staged its fourth show at a fashion week event in Paris and its original shoe designs are currently on display at the century?old German Leather Museum.
  Another Chinese craft looking to get a popularity boost is traditional bamboo weaving.
  Daoming town in Chongzhou, a city under the administration of Chengdu, is home to many bamboo?weaving businesses. For a long time, local villagers made their living from using bamboo to weave necessities. But now, locals have developed the craft into an industry covering many more areas of daily life.
  “In the past, most of the bamboo?weaving items were farm tools, but now we want to make our creations fashionable,” said Ding Chunmei, an inheritor of the craft and the founder of bamboo?weaving brand, Dingzhizhu.
  While inheriting the traditional weaving techniques, craftsmen also need to innovate and integrate their creations into daily life.
  Cultural creativity has become a pillar of local economy, with the fashion industry listed one of its eight major sectors.
  According to its city plan, the added output value of the cultural and creative industry, including the fashion sector, is expected to surpass 260 billion yuan by the end of 2022, accounting for 12 percent of its GDP.
  Language Study
  Word bank
  1. incorporate /?n?k??p?re?t/ v. 将……包括在内
  2. embroidery /?m?br??d?ri/ n. 刺绣
  3. proprietary /pr??pra??tri/ adj. 专营的
  4. integrate /??nt?ɡre?t/ v. (使)成为一体
  Critical Thinking
  What contributes to the success of Chengdu’s fashion?
WBEZ91.5 报道: 一所专门面向难民的新大学——凯伦大学(Kiron University)在柏林建立,它依托现有的在线课程,为全球避难者提供免费教育。  在德国,避难者没有文件和身份便无法进入当地大学学习,凯伦大学提供了一种解决方案:被凯伦大学录取的学生可以进入凯伦大学的合作学校(德国的其他大学)进行在线学习,参与虚拟研讨会。按照合作学校学位项目的要求完成两年网络课程学习后,这些学生可以申
技术变革教育在线杂志8月17日指出,根据国际数据公司(International Data Corp, IDC)的报告,3D 打印市场到2020年将达到3,540亿美元,总额将达到今年预期收入的2倍,预测将实现24.1%的复合年增长。  该报告显示,虽然预测3D打印机和材料将占到全球总收入的近一半,但软件及相关服务也将显著增长。计算机辅助设计软件的收入预计将在五年内翻3番,相应的定制零部件服务市场
《纽约时代周刊》2013年9月22日报道,欧洲委员会将于9月末开设一个开放教育资源网站,这是欧洲应对美国掀起的MOOC狂潮的又一举措。同时,欧洲委员会将开始关注各个教育层次的在线资源与教学,以应对未来大规模增长的学生数量。“普通的商业模式不再发挥作用:大学正在迈向技术创新,以解决成倍增长的学生数量,”委员会的教育政策发言人Dennis Abbot表示,“此时此刻,世界正在经历一场革命,我们不能置身
【摘 要】  本文设计了一种自动评价网络教学视频的指标:流行度和质量。与已有的人工评价方法不同,本文的评价方法通过教学视频中各集的播放量来挖掘学习者对该教学视频的评价,通过函数拟合获得指数函数的两个参数a和b,分别对应视频的评价指标:流行度和质量。通过网络真实数据进行相关实验,结果显示该自动评价指标和方法与人工评价的结果基本一致。  【关键词】 视频教学;资源评价;自动评价;视频教学资源  【中图
For Chinese people, the name Yuan- mingyuan, or the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, resonates (回荡)through history.  First constructed in 1707, this former royal resort of the Qing Dynasty, covering roug
同在地球村,野生動物不仅仅是单纯的物种存在,更是人类的朋友。不猎杀、不购买、不食用、不饲养,让我们一起保护野生动物。  难词探意  1. overwhelmed /???v??welmd/ adj. 被压垮的;不堪重负的  2. reverse /r??v??s/ v. 颠倒;彻底转变  3. plague /ple?ɡ/ v. 使痛苦;困扰;折磨  4. contraption /k?n?tr?
日前,TELL美国奖励计划试图寻找技术促进学习的方法,而且已经显示出早期的成果和积累。该奖励计划的目标是锁定有发展前景的倡议并帮助其规模化发展。  TELL美国奖励计划是由法国、英国、瑞典、西班牙和德国5个欧洲国家的7所大学组成的联盟,汇聚了TEL部门中科研创新价值链的核心利益相关者,即研究机构、ICT创新集群、教育机构和创新服务提供商,如法国巴黎大区数码多媒体产业群(Cap Digital Pa
【摘 要】  精品资源共享课建设是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出的促进优质教育资源普及共享的重要课题。随着MOOC在线学习新样式的不断涌现,如何在“后MOOC时期”推进精品资源共享课的建设,如何设计课程资源,需要广大研究者和建设者深入探索。为此,本研究在课程结构、设计理念、学习活动、学习支持、学习环境等方面对“异常心理学”课程进行系统架构,旨在优化课程设计、提高课
海词积累  1. prosperous adj. 繁荣的  2. fertility n. 肥沃;丰收  3. destruction n. 破坏;毁灭  4. occur v. 发生  5. suffocation n. 窒息  6. vent n. 出口  7. sufficient adj. 足夠的;充足的  8. dissolve v. 使溶解  9. archaeologist n. 考