
来源 :青海师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianglikai
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不久前,党中央发出号召,在建设社会主义物质文明的同时,要加强社会主义精神文明的建设。接着,于今年二月,全国总工会、团中央、全国妇联等九个群众团体联合发出倡议,号召在全国人民中,特别是在青少年中广泛开展“五讲”、“四美”文明礼貌活动。这一活动的开展,象是一股强劲的春风,迅速吹遍了全国,不但有力地推动了社会主义精神文明的建设,而且促进了各级学校的思想品德教育,给学校教育工作带来了新的生气。本学期开学以来,我校师生在校党委领导下,响应党中央的号召和全国九团体的倡议,一面认真学习贯彻去年十二月中央工作会议精神,一面结合学雷锋,创三好,积极开展了“五讲”、“四美”活动,学校面貌发生了可喜的变化。近一个时期以来,青年学生中出现了不少好人好事,多数同学思想要求进步,学习刻 Not long ago, the party Central Committee issued a call for building a socialist material civilization while strengthening the building of a socialist spiritual civilization. Then in February this year, nine mass organizations including the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the CYL Central Committee and the All-China Women’s Federation jointly issued an initiative calling for the extensive implementation of the “five stresses” and “four virtues” civilized and courteous activities among the people throughout the country, especially among young people . This activity, like a strong spring breeze, blowing rapidly across the country not only gave a powerful impetus to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, but also promoted the ideological and moral education at all levels of schools and brought about the education of schools New angry. Since the beginning of this semester, under the leadership of the school’s party committee, teachers and students of our school have, in response to the call of the party Central Committee and the suggestions of nine national groups, earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the Central Working Conference held in December last year, The “five stresses”, “four beautiful” activities, the school has undergone gratifying changes. Since a recent period, there have been many good deeds among young students. Most students’ thinking requires progress and learning
柳州市的勤工俭学活动,基本是在1979年吉林会议以后恢复发展起来的,1980年产值达到375万元,纯收入达到106万元。1981年,总产值又上升到638万元,纯收入达164万元,和 The wor
上海市青浦县徐泾公社中学的校办工厂,几年来积累了几十万元的资金。学校从这些资金中提取一部分,为教师建造了一座五层楼的宿舍,总面积一千二百平方 Xujing County, Shang
<正> 大连市生物学会于1981年5月24日举行首次中学生生物竞赛。来自市内各中学的147名学生选手参加了这次竞赛。经过评选小组严格评卷、多次复审,评选出集体和个人的优胜者。
沈阳市第36中学,从七十年代初开始,坚持勤工俭学,办起了化学试剂厂。近几年来,又办起职业技术高中班,在中等教育结构改革方面迈出了可喜了一步。努力办校办工厂 1970年春,化