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一、序言汉语标准语的问题,历史上来讲,主要是指语音问题,因为词汇、语法的差别没有语音那么显著。对于某一个民族共同语的形成过程,理论上主要有两种观点:一是基础方言扩展说,二是融合选择说。所谓“基础方言扩展说”就是某一个方言土语不断扩大其使用范围而发展成全民使用的共同语。所谓“融合选择说”就是不同方言土语之间的交流过程当中出现一些困难,于是 First, the preface Chinese standard questions, historically speaking, mainly refers to the problem of speech, because the difference between vocabulary, grammar, voice is not so significant. There are mainly two kinds of views in theory on the process of forming a common ethnic language: one is to expand the basic dialect, the other is to say that it is a fusion of choices. The so-called “expansion of basic dialect ” is a dialect of Turkish dialect continues to expand its use of the common language developed into universal use. The so-called “fusion choice that ” is that there are some difficulties during the exchange between different dialects and territories, so
1关于斯坦纳—雷米欧斯定理的证明  该定理1840年由德国数学家雷米欧斯正式提出,经几代数学家、数学爱好者百余年的探究,目前其证明方法已有近百种之多.文[1]和文[2]分别推荐了一种反证法和直接证法,应该是最接近初中生知识背景的办法了.但两个办法都用了已经淡出初中教材的结论,从  參考文献  [1]程诗春.对称地处理对称性问题——斯坦纳—雷米欧斯定理的最佳证法[J].中学数学杂志,2011(8):