大黄气味俱厚,苦寒泄降,有斩关夺门之力,故号为将军。汉末医圣仲景尤为善用比药,纵观其著作,《伤寒》中涉及运用大黄的原文达85条之多,方剂15首;《金匮》中约35条,方剂20首。其运用广泛,配伍严谨灵活,药证丝丝入扣,可见一斑。探讨其配伍运用之规律,对我们研习经典,指导临证,颇具一定意义。配伍应用: 大黄以功能荡涤胃肠,调气、祛淤,推陈致新,凉血止血,泻热利湿,调中化食,安和五脏等。其性走而不守,入脾、胃、大肠、肝、心诸经而在多方中配伍。用治腑实便秘,
Rhubarb is full of odors, bitter cold and dripping, and it has the power to win the door, so the general number is general. In the late Han Dynasty, Dr. Zhongjing Zhong was particularly good at using herbs. Looking at his works, there were as many as 85 articles in the “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” that involved the use of rhubarb, including 15 prescriptions; and about 35 prescriptions, 20 prescriptions. Its extensive use, strict and flexible compatibility, drug certification can be seen. It is of great significance to explore the laws of their compatibility and use them to study the classics and guide the clinical evidence. Compatibility Application: Rhubarb is used to cleanse the stomach and intestines, regulate air, obstruct blood circulation, push Chen Zhixin, cool blood to stop bleeding, purging heat and dampness, regulating Chinese food, and safety and other internal organs. The nature of the disease does not follow, and the spleen, the stomach, the large intestine, the liver, and the heart can be combined in multiple ways. Used to curb constipation,