全省林业科技工作会全体同志: 厅里决定召开这次座谈会,我因另有任务不能出席,这里谨向到会同志,并通过你们,向全省林业科技工作者、广大知识分子致以亲切的问候! 科技是第一生产力。党中央、国务院对科技工作历来十分重视。最近,作出了《关于加速科学技术进步的决定》,提出了科教兴国的发展战略,指明了科技工作的根本任务和方
The whole province forestry science and technology work will all comrades: the hall decided to convene this symposium, I can not attend due to other tasks, here I would like to comrades, and through you, to the province’s forestry science and technology workers, the majority of intellectuals to kind regards! Science and technology are primary productive forces. The Central Party Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to scientific and technological work. Recently, it has made the “Decision on Accelerating the Progress of Science and Technology,” put forward the development strategy of rejuvenating the country with science and education, and pointed out the fundamental tasks and tasks of science and technology work