香椿以它嫩芽幼叶色泽鲜美,独具浓郁香味,备受人们喜爱。大棚内栽培赶在春节前后上市,效益非常显著。其栽培要点为: 一、培育大苗 (一)播种育苗:春分至清明期间播种,播前先用温水浸种一夜,捞出后多层湿布包裹,置于20—25℃下催芽,待有
Toon young leaves with its sprout color, unique rich flavor, much people love. Catch cultivation in the greenhouse before the Spring Festival listing, the benefit is very significant. The cultivation points: First, cultivate seedlings (A) planting seedlings: sowing during the vernal equinox to the Ching Ming, sowing with warm water overnight before sowing, remove the multi-layer wet cloth wrapped, placed at 20-25 ℃ under the germination, to be