This article comprehensively discusses the summary data of the diagnosis and treatment of special types of early gastric cancer in 60 cases of early gastric cancer including superficial, micro, and multiple types of early gastric cancer. The characteristics of superficial superficial gastroscopy are superficial and broad lesions, and the boundaries are often unclear. It is not easy to accurately determine the range. Clinically, it is often estimated that it is too small, and the residual cancer at the severed end is easily caused when surgical resection is performed. Therefore, the scope should be set before the operation to complete the resection. Microscopic endoscopy is characterized by small lesions, the shape is not easy to distinguish with normal mucosa or benign lesions, often multiple or concurrent with other lesions, microscopy often lead to errors. In this group of 9 cases of microcarcinoma, 4 cases of “single cancer” were diagnosed as cancer by gastroscope biopsy. After surgical resection, no cancer tissue was found after continuous sectioning of the original site. Multiple endoscopic features, the main cancer lesions are easy to find, vice cancer lesions due to smaller and easy to miss, especially with atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, atypical hyperplasia should pay attention to check whether there are multiple Paraneoplastic lesions. The majority of patients undergoing radical gastrectomy are treated with the majority of patients undergoing total gastrectomy in distant and near-distal sites, and lymph nodes are cleared to site II.