Optimal Combinations and Variable Departure Intervals for Micro Bus System

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rogy520111
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It is becoming increasingly difficult for Chinese citizens to access traditional public transport because of overcrowded community structures. Therefore, novel ideas are required to improve the transport system. In this respect, this study considers the design of a public transport scheduling model for a micro system. The model aims to minimize passenger waiting time and maximize number of passengers one bus carries, by simultaneously optimizing departure intervals and use of traditional and rapid buses. The model is superior to traditional models, as it analyzes the phenomena of vehicle overtaking, vehicle capacity limit, and passenger determination uncertainty.In addition, the model is a sophisticated nonlinear multi-objective optimization problem and contains more than one type of decision variable, therefore two composite algorithms, HPSO and GAPSO, are proposed, which are improvements of the Genetic Algorithm(GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO). These two algorithms are compared to the classical GA with respect to stability and effect, and the results show them to be strong in both respects. In addition, the simultaneous optimization method has evident advantages compared to single-method optimizations. It is becoming difficult for Chinese citizens to access traditional public transport because of overcrowded community structures. The model aims to minimize passenger waiting time and maximize number of passengers one bus carries, by simultaneously convenient departure intervals and use of traditional and rapid buses. The model is superior to traditional models, as it analyzes the phenomena of vehicle overtaking, vehicle capacity limit, and passenger determination uncertainty.In addition, the model is a sophisticated nonlinear multi-objective optimization problem and contains more than one type of decision variable, therefore two composite algorithms, HPSO and GAPSO, are proposed, which are improvements of the genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). These two algorithms are compa red to the classical GA with respect to stability and effect, and the results show them to be strong in both respects.
2009年4月3日至5日,十一届全运会在山东的第一个正式比赛项目——短道速滑比赛在青岛赛区的国信体育馆圆满举行;4月9日至12日,花样滑冰比赛也在青岛国信体育馆完美收官,两项比赛共产生10枚金牌,其中短道速度滑冰6枚,花样滑冰4枚。作为十一运会在山东境内最早进行的比赛,青岛赛区的各项筹备工作得到全面展示和检验。  青岛市作为主会场之外承办项目最多的分赛区,筹备工作时间紧迫、任务繁重。青岛赛区组委会