【摘 要】
新课程改革是国务院、教育部对全国基础教育改革的一项重要举措。这次新课程改革实验是我国课程改革史上的第八次实验 ,是一项对基础课程的整体改革。与前七次不同的是 ,它要
新课程改革是国务院、教育部对全国基础教育改革的一项重要举措。这次新课程改革实验是我国课程改革史上的第八次实验 ,是一项对基础课程的整体改革。与前七次不同的是 ,它要求构建一种全新的学习方式 ,即自主———探究———合作的学习方式。合作学习 (CooperativeLearn ing)
The new curriculum reform is an important measure for the reform of basic education in the country by the State Council and the Ministry of Education. This new curriculum reform experiment is the eighth experiment in the history of curriculum reform in China, and it is an overall reform of the basic curriculum. The difference from the previous seven times is that it requires the construction of a new way of learning, that is, autonomous—inquiry—cooperative learning. Cooperative Learning (Cooperative Learn)
当今新形势下的语文教学 ,视野应更加开拓 ,方式应更加丰富 ,在诸多方式中 ,有一种方式不失为学习语文的有效途径 ,那就是课本剧的表演 ,在表演中学习语文。2 0 0 2— 2 0 0
时下 ,人们在深刻反省我国的传统教育模式———“应试教育”的弊端后 ,相继提出了“素质教育”、“创新教育”等观点 ,归根到底 ,这是“教育是培养人才”的教育观的反映 ,其
Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Cla
Bob took off his shoes. He stood straight with his back against the wall. Bobs mother put the ruler on Bobs head and made a little mark. Next to the new mark, B
自主学习是新课程理念下的一种主要的学习的方式 ,也是培养学生的潜在能力的一种主要途径。那么什么是自主学习呢 ?简单地说 ,就是要相信学生 ,尊重学生 ,突出学生的主体地位
Last Sunday Sarah went to the park with her mom. She liked play?ing chase with the other children. Her favorite thing to do in the park was to go down the slide