《航空史研究》编辑部并郭军同志:您们好! 1995年9月25日,接到1995年第3期(总50期)《航空史研究》杂志,拜读了39536部队地勤战士郭军同志的大作“再论‘第一’”。看到“辽宁丹东(安东)浪头”几个字,心中感到很亲切,因为,此处是半个世纪前我在抗美援朝时作战的起降机场,在这里我和美国侵略军浴血奋战过,它记载着我年青时代的战斗经历。
“Aviation History Research” editorial department and Comrade Guo Jun: Hello! On September 25, 1995, he received a magazine entitled “Research on History of Aviation History”, No. 3, 1995 (total 50), and read the commentary of Comrade Guo Jun, the ground soldier of 39536 units, “Re-discussing the First”. When I saw the words “Dandong in Liaoning”, I was very kind in my heart because here is the landing and landing airport that I fought in the War to Resist U.S.A.I.A. a half century ago. Here I fought bloody battles with the American Aggression Forces, It chronicles the combat experience of my youth.