实施素质教育是一项系统工程,涉及到方方面面的问题。就学校体育而言,应从学校体育改革着手,围绕“培养什么样的人才,如何培养”这个中心进行认真研究,精心设计,全面推进。 1 转变教育思想是先导 过去在体育教学中,我们重体育基本知识的学习,轻体育学科能力的
The implementation of quality education is a systematic project that involves all aspects of the problem. As far as school sports is concerned, we should proceed from the reform of school sports and carry out careful studies, carefully designed and comprehensively promoted around the center of “cultivating what kind of talents and how to cultivate them.” A change in educational thinking is the guide of the past In the teaching of physical education, we emphasize the basic knowledge of sports learning, light sports disciplines ability