In the West, the “gold medal” means the concept of millions of dollars, which exacerbates the loss of the Olympic spirit, leaving the arena more and more blooded. Even more so on the court, bloody, brutal events occur frequently. Former West German football goalkeeper Schumacher in the autobiography “opening post” coldly ridiculed himself as a “tactical killer.” Schumacher’s most famous performance was a fierce battle in the semi-finals of the Federal Republic of Germany and France in the 1982 World Cup in Spain. He used a pair of hammer-like fists to place the French team free defender Battier Battiston heavily Knocked down to the ground, breaking each other’s two front teeth and ribs, leaving the majority of fans a “impression of the stadium Hitler ”. Shu briefly describes his goalkeeping style so succinctly: “The goalkeeper must have a muscular, kestrel-like look.” This will inevitably allow many players in such a vicious “God” in front of trembling, considering the premise of preserving the bones before catching