(一) 近年来,部队青年战士出现了许多新情况,其思想特点与以往相比,具有很大不同。要研究青年战士思想发展规律,不可不对他们的思想活动现状作出符合实际的分析。从调查情况看,他们思想活动现状,主要有五个转变: 一是绝大多数青年战士具有当兵尽义务的自我牺牲精神,但一些人的思想也出现了从“我要当兵”向“要我当兵”的转变。过去,部队在人们心目中具有很高的政治地位,做家长的都愿意把孩子送到部队来锻炼,适龄青年也都争先恐后地应征入伍。现在,虽然绝大多数青年战士都能自觉按照法律服兵役,发扬自我牺牲精神,尽效保卫祖国的责任。但是,由
(1) In recent years, there have been many new cases of young soldiers in the armed forces whose ideological characteristics are quite different from those in the past. To study the laws governing the development of young warriors, we must make a realistic analysis of the status quo of their ideological activities. According to the investigation, there are five major changes in their ideological and political activities: First, the vast majority of young fighters have the spirit of self-sacrifice as soldiers do their duty, but some people’s thinking has also emerged from “I want to be a soldier” to “ Want me to be a soldier ”change. In the past, the military had a very high political status in the minds of the people. Parents who are parents are willing to send their children to the army to exercise. All young people of young age are also scrambling to join the army. Now, although the overwhelming majority of young fighters can conscientiously perform their military service in accordance with the law, carry forward the spirit of self-sacrifice and do their utmost to defend the motherland. However, by