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周有光,1906年1月生于江苏常州,是我国杰出的经济学家、语言文字学家和文化研究学者。1923-1927年,就读于上海圣约翰大学和光华大学。1928-1933年,任教光华大学、江苏教育学院和浙江教育学院;1933-1935年赴日本东京大学留学,1935-1945年,任教光华大学,抗战期间在成都任农本局专员;1946-1949年任职新华银行,由银行派驻美国纽约,并赴欧洲考察。1950年初回国,担任复旦大学经济研究所研究员和上海财经学院教授。1955年参加全国文字改革会议,会后担任中国文字改革委员会(今国家语言文字工作委员会)研究员和委员。参加制定《汉语拼音方案》《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》《聋人手指字母方案》。1980年代以后,担任中国社会科学院研究生院教授。曾任全国政协委员,全国政协文教组负责人。担任《不列颠百科全书》的中美联合编审委员会中方三委员之一。提倡现代汉字学和比较文字学。出版《汉字改革概论》《世界文字发展史》《比较文字学初探》等语文专著三十余种,发表论文三百多篇。近来,周有光先生与陈明远先生以主客问答的方式阐述了自己的观点,内容涉及“华夏文化”“河东河西”与“双文化论”“人类文化的结构、运动、冲突与和谐”“汉语拼音走向世界”“古典文字问题”“全球化视野下的爱国主义”等系列问题。经陈明远先生整理、周有光先生审定,本刊将从本期陆续刊登。 Zhou Youguang was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu in January 1906 and is an outstanding economist, linguist and cultural researcher in our country. From 1923 to 1927, studied at St. John’s University in Shanghai and Guanghua University. From 1928 to 1933, he taught Guanghua University, Jiangsu Education Institute and Zhejiang Education Institute. From 1933 to 1935, he studied at Tokyo University, Japan. From 1935 to 1945, he taught Guanghua University and served as commissioner of Agriculture Bureau in Chengdu during the war of resistance against Japan. From 1946 to 1949 Xinhua Bank, the bank stationed in New York, USA, and went to Europe. He returned to China in early 1950 as a researcher at the Institute of Economics of Fudan University and a professor at Shanghai Institute of Finance and Economics. In 1955 to participate in the national text reform meeting, after the meeting as the Chinese character reform committee (now the national language work committee) researcher and member. Participate in the development of “Hanyu Pinyin program” “Hanyu Pinyin orthographies basic rules” “deaf finger alphabet program.” Since the 1980s, he has been a professor at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Served as a member of the CPPCC National Committee, CPPCC Cultural and educational group leader. Served as “Encyclopedia of Britannica” Sino-U.S. Joint Editorial Board of the Chinese one of the three members. Advocate modern Chinese character and comparative textology. Published more than 30 kinds of monographs such as An Introduction to Chinese Character Reform, History of World Characters Development, and Comparative Text Study, and published more than 300 papers. Recently, Mr. Zhou Youguang and Mr. Chen Mingyuan elaborated their opinions by means of subjective and objective questions and answers, which covered the structure, movement and conflicts of “Huaxia Culture”, “Hedong Hexi” and “” “dual culture” And harmony “” Pinyin into the world “” classical writing “” the globalization of patriotism "and other series of issues. Mr. Chen Mingyuan finishing, Mr. Zhou Youguang validation, the issue will be published from the current period.
第一届IPA C K-IM A于1961年在米兰举办,对意大利的食品和包装生产系统的发展起到了非常重要的作用,很快成为各个领域的市场参考点。44年来,IPA C K-IM A展会共举办了19次,向
Ho/Xe/He混合气体在横向快放电激发下同时输出XeCl紫外激光和Xe红外激光.研究了各参量对激光输出的影响,讨论了有关的动力学过程. The Ho / Xe / He mixed gas can output XeCl ultraviolet l
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