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Objective. -To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of almotriptan 12.5 mg in migraine patients who respond poorly to sumatriptan 50 mg. Background. -Poor response to sumatriptan therapy for acute migraine attacks has been documented in the literature, but few controlled trials have investigated the efficacy of an alternative triptan in this subgroup of patients. Methods. -Patients with an International Headache Society diagnosis of migraine who self-described as experiencing at least two unsatisfactory responses to sumatriptan treated their first migraine attack with open-label sumatriptan 50 mg. Patients who did not achieve 2-hour pain relief (improvement of headache from moderate/severe to mild/no headache) were then randomized to treat their second attack with almotriptan 12.5 mg or placebo under double-blind conditions. Results. -In the first attack, 221 of 302 participants (73%) did not achieve 2-hour pain relief with sumatriptan and were randomized to treatment of their second attack with almotriptan 12.5 mg or placebo. Of the 198 sumatriptan nonresponders who treated their second attack (99 almotriptan; 99 placebo), 70%had severe headache pain at baseline. Two-hour pain-relief rates were significantly higher with almotriptan compared to placebo (47.5%vs 23.2%; P < .001). A significant treatment effect for almotriptan was also seen in pain-free rates at 2 hours (33.3%vs 14.1%; P < .005) and sustained freedom from pain (20.9%vs 9.0%; P < .05). In the second attack, 7.1%of patients in the almotriptan group experienced adverse events compared to 5.1%in the placebo group (P=.77). Conclusions. -Almotriptan 12.5 mg is an effective and well-tolerated alternative for patients who respond poorly to sumatriptan 50 mg. A poor response to one triptan does not predict a poor response to other agents in that class. Objective-To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of almotriptan 12.5 mg in migraine patients who respond poorly to sumatriptan 50 mg. Background. -Poor response to sumatriptan therapy for acute migraine attacks has been documented in the literature, but few controlled trials have investigated the efficacy of an alternative triptan in this subgroup of patients. Methods - Patients with an International Headache Society diagnosis of migraine who self-described as experiencing at least two unsatisfactory responses to sumatriptan treated their first migraine attack with open-label sumatriptan 50 mg. Patients who did not achieve 2-hour pain relief (improvement of headache from moderate / severe to mild / no headache) were then randomized to treat their second attack with almotriptan 12.5 mg or placebo under double-blind conditions. Results. -In the first attack , 221 of 302 participants (73%) did not achieve 2-hour pain relief with sumatriptan and were randomized to treatment of their sec Ond attack with almotriptan 12.5 mg or placebo. Of the 198 sumatriptan nonresponders who treated their second attack (99 almotriptan; 99 placebo), 70% had severe headache pain at baseline. Two-hour pain-relief rates were significantly higher with almotriptan compared to placebo (47.5% vs 23.2%; P <.001). A significant treatment effect for almotriptan was also seen in pain-free rates at 2 hours (33.3% vs 14.1%; P <.005) and sustained freedom from pain % vs 9.0%; P <.05). In the second attack, 7.1% of patients in the almotriptan group experienced adverse events compared to 5.1% in the placebo group (P = .77). Conclusions. -Almotriptan 12.5 mg is an effective and well-tolerated alternative for patients who respond poorly to sumatriptan 50 mg. A poor response to one triptan does not predict a poor response to other agents in that class.
【摘要】小学语文阅读教学课学生朗读指导,把“读中感悟、读中理解”贯彻在阅读教学全过程,让学生读得有味,读得入情。  【关键词】小学 语文 阅读教学 朗读指导  【中图分类号】G623.23【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)07-0085-01  《語文课程标准》提出:“阅读是学生个性化行为,应引导学生钻研文本,在主动积极的思维和情感活动中,加深理解和体验,有所感悟和思考,
日寇兵临南京城下,国民政府宣布以重庆为战时陪都,准备长期抗战,时在1937年11月20日。战争打到1943年9月25日,胜利已日渐临近,很多人已开始憧憬战后的生活,思考战后的国家命运。这一天,当时重庆影响最大的民间报纸《大公报》上发表一篇社评,题为《战后国都定在北方》:  “中国是大陆国家,同时也是海洋国家,应该海陆兼顾。……我们的外患,可能由海上来,更可能由大陆上来。怀想战后的国际关系,我们的主
“这炸青蛙腿真好吃!”一家饭店的客人边吃边说着。对此,我感到很痛心。因为青蛙是一种对人们有益的动物,是人类的朋友。  青蛙对我们的益处可大了,青蛙主要以农业害虫为主食。通过观察知道,无论是能飞的螟蛾,还是善跳的蝗虫、躲在叶卷里的稻苞虫、钻进棉桃里的棉铃虫、隐藏在地下洞穴里的蝼蛄,只要它们一出来活动,青蛙就会立即捉住它们。青蛙捕食的农业害虫,种类多、数量大。据统计,一只青蛙每天捕食的害虫少则50多只
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