“中等化学应贯彻‘量和单位’系列国家标准”(原载于1995年第5期)一文中的勘误一、原文第8页主要物理量和单位的名称和符号表中的勘误原表中多处将单位符号错排为斜体。现将勘误后的表刊登如下,请读者自行对照,特此致歉。 “中等化学应贯彻‘量和单位’系列...
“Medium Chemical should implement the series of national standards for quantity and units” (originally listed in the 5th issue of 1995). Corrigenda I. Original text page 8 Names and symbols of major physical quantities and units. The unit symbol is italicized. The following list of errata publications is published below. Readers are required to make their own comparisons and hereby apologize. "Medium Chemical should implement the ‘quantity and unit’ series...