为了“九五”开好头、起好步,溧阳市商业局提出今年要实施“五大”工程。 去年,市商业局系统在宏观调控趋紧,竞争十分激烈,增本减利因素增多的困难情况下,仍完成销售总额13.24亿元,比上年增长19.80%,实现利润1004万元,增长11.80%;上缴税利1352.1万元,增长3.18%。同时,市局连续被江苏省商业厅评为“十强”,局长杨柳被江苏省商业厅授予优秀企业家称号。为了进一步搞好今年工作,市商业局提出实施“五大”工程。
In order to make the Ninth Five-Year Plan a good start and make good progress, the Liyang Municipal Bureau of Commerce proposed to implement the “Five Major” project this year. Last year, under the difficult macro-control and tight competition and fierce competition and the increase and reduction of profits and losses, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce System still completed a total sales volume of 1.324 billion yuan, up by 19.80% over the previous year and achieved a profit of 10.04 million yuan and an increase of 11.80 %; Turnover tax profit 13,521,000 yuan, an increase of 3.18%. At the same time, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce was rated as “Top Ten” by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce in a row. Secretary of Yangliu was awarded the title of Outstanding Entrepreneur by Commerce Department of Jiangsu Province. In order to further improve this year’s work, City Commercial Bureau proposed the implementation of the “Five” project.