
来源 :国际行政科学评论(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fulva
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本研究运用三因素模型(分配公平、程序公平和互动公平),探讨了员工背景(性别、教育程度和与政府的隶属关系)对组织公平感的影响。选定的人口和态度数据来自代表10个公共组织的313名员工样本。研究结果显示,性别对分配公平与互动公平有显著影响,但对程序公平影响不显著;教育程度对分配公平和程序公平有显著影响,但对互动公平影响不显著;与政府的隶属关系对公平的所有三个维度均有显著影响。本研究还对这些研究结果的管理启示和未来的研究方向进行了讨论。对实践工作者的启示更好地洞察人口因素(性别、教育程度和与政府的隶属关系)对组织公平感三个维度的影响,可以向政策制定者和公共管理者表明哪些方面可以改进,并帮助其制定有助于提高公平感的战略和政策。本研究对于那些从内战、解放战争或其他类似冲突中解脱出来的国家(例如,南苏丹、利比亚、阿富汗)的另一个重要意义是,如何把从前的战斗人员整合为公务员及之后如何管理。关键是要在公务员系统为他们提供就业机会,前提条件是基于正确的人安排在正确的位置的原则来安置他们,并像对待他们的同行——以前不是军队人员的公务员——一样平等对待他们。他们需要的是(在开始时)给予他们一些(特殊)训练来加快他们的社会化并思考与主流做事方式的融合。 This study explored the impact of employee background (gender, educational level and affiliation with government) on the sense of organizational justice by using a three-factor model (fair distribution, procedural fairness and interactive fairness). Selected population and attitude data are from a sample of 313 employees representing 10 public organizations. The results show that gender has a significant impact on the distributional equity and the fairness of interaction, but has no significant effect on the fairness of the procedure. The educational level has a significant effect on the fair distribution and procedural fairness but has no significant effect on the fairness of interaction. In all three dimensions have a significant impact. This study also discusses the management implications of these findings and future research directions. Implications for Practicing Workers A better insight into the impact of demographic factors (gender, educational attainment and affiliation with government) on the three dimensions of organizational justice can indicate to policymakers and public administrators what can be improved and Help them to develop strategies and policies that help to improve equity. Another important significance of this study to countries that have been freed from civil war, the war of liberation or other similar conflicts (eg South Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan) is how to integrate former combatants into civil servants and how to manage them later. The key is to provide them employment opportunities in the civil service, provided they are based on the principle that the right people are in the right place and treating them equally as their counterparts who were not civil servants before - . What they need is (at the beginning) to give them some (special) training to expedite their socialization and to think about how they fit into the mainstream.
“黄河”牌HC—2.5A型液压拖式铲运机,己经水利部水利专用施工机械质量检验测试中心检测并通过水利部新产品鉴定。该机型款式新颖,性能优越,结构合理,坚固耐用,操作维护 “
2003年7月26日上午,天津市广电在线——商标文化频道在天津科技咨询大厦国际会议厅举行了开播仪式,来自天津市驰、著名商标企业及有关部门的代表100余人参加了开播仪式。 O