本文讨论在新秧歌运动与“五四”以来的“到民间去”思潮的内在联系, 主要涉及到两个方面。一是通过“五四”时期“到民间去”的主张和20年代后期开始的乡村建设运动,审视现代中国知识界的民间话语与构想新社会蓝图的诺言和实践。一是通过抗战时期抗日根据地区域的“下乡运动”与新秧歌运动,讨论“五四”所提出的“到民间去”的历史命题的新的内涵与意义。
This article discusses the intrinsic relations between the New Yangko Movement and the trend of “going to the private ” since the May 4th Movement, which mainly involves two aspects. First, through the propositions of “May Fourth Movement” and “Going to the People” and the rural construction movement started in the late 1920s, I will examine the promises and practices of the folk discourse and the new social blueprint of modern Chinese intellectuals. First, we discuss the new connotation and significance of the historical proposition proposed by the May 4th Movement in the “Anti-Japanese Base Areas” and the “New Yangge Movement” in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas in the War of Resistance Against Japan.