
来源 :天然气工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljc20090204
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中国石油突出油气主营业务发展,特别是把天然气作为发展重点,建成西气东输二线,与国内20多条已建和在建管道连通,形成4×104km天然气管网。这是推进能源结构优化、助力生态文明建设的勇敢担承,也是打造“绿色、国际、可持续的中石油”的必然选择。截至2013年1月,我国首条引进境外天然气资源的战略通道工程,西气东输二线已累计输气超过430×108m3,替代燃煤1.09×108t,减少二氧化碳排放量1.85×108t。在这个严冬,来自中亚的天然气让沿线4亿多民众享受蓝色火苗带来的温暖。 PetroChina highlighted the development of oil and gas businesses. In particular, it focused on natural gas as a development priority and built a second West-East Gas Pipeline to connect with more than 20 existing and under construction pipelines in the country to form a 4 × 104km natural gas pipeline network. This is a brave undertaking to promote the optimization of energy structure and the construction of ecological civilization and is also an inevitable choice for building a “green, international and sustainable PetroChina”. As of January 2013, China’s first strategic passage project to introduce overseas natural gas resources has accumulated more than 430 × 108m3 of gas in the second-line West-East Gas Pipeline, replacing 1.09 × 108t of coal and reducing 1.85 × 108t of carbon dioxide emissions. During this harsh winter, natural gas from Central Asia brought more than 400 million people along the route to enjoy the warmth of blue flames.
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