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导读We sang:“We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land,and it is fed and watered by God’s Almighty Hand....”In so doing,we tried to thank God in our own way for His love and His blessings. Gratitude requires a softened heart.If you are grateful,it is likely that you are humble at the same time.It requires the willingness to suspend our disbelief and look objectively at where we are in the universe. An attitude of thankfulness puts us in a humble frame of mind.It teaches us to whom we are in debt for all that we have.There is no room for pride when we are in the thankful mode. We sang: “We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, and it is fed and watered by God’s Almighty Hand .... ” In so doing, we tried to thank God in our own way for His love and His blessings. Gratitude requires a softened heart .If you are grateful, it is likely that you are humble at the same time.It requires the willingness to suspend our disbelief and look objectively at where we are in the universe. An attitude of thankfulness puts us in a humble frame of mind.It teaches us to whom we are in debt for all that we have.There is no room for pride when we are in the thankful mode.
社会是个大系统,它孕育着图书馆这个子系统。图书馆欲在社会中充分展示自己的存在价值,必须在社会与图书馆构成的特定空间组合中,拓展图书馆工作者的思维空间 Society is a
如何能够让学生享受学习的快乐并幸福地学习英语,是我们初中英语教师工作的目标之一。笔者认为可以从以下几个方面着手:  一、 创设宽松民主的课堂氛围  英语课堂只有营造宽松、自由的学习环境,才能更有利于学生的学习。因为在宽松、民主的氛围中,学生会有一种安全感和自由感。安全感让学生见了老师不紧张,敢于提问;自由感让孩子敢于谈自己的想法,始终处于主动积极的状态。  1. 教师要具有正确的学生观,对学生应充
【栏目要求】1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评优点与不足;5. 请点评