前言近年来,已有人开始研究以硼砂等价格低廉的含硼化合物作供硼剂,可使成本明显降低,并能保证渗硼效果,很有发展前途。但该类渗硼剂尚存在容易结块、钢件表面有粘结物和不清洁等问题,所以尚未用于实际生产: 本文研究以硼砂为供硼剂的粉末渗硼剂。通过调整成分、工艺试验和组织性能分析检测,
Preface In recent years, people have begun to study the low-cost boron compounds such as borax for boron, can significantly reduce the cost, and can guarantee the boronizing effect, promising future. But this kind of boronizing agent is still easy to agglomerate, the surface of steel parts are not bonded and unclean problems, it has not yet been used in the actual production: In this paper, borax for boron boron powder boronizing agent. By adjusting the composition, process testing and organizational performance testing,