The development of heat treatment equipment, depends on the heat treatment process development and production needs. Heat treatment equipment is energy-intensive equipment, its development will inevitably be affected by the energy supply. Many types of heat treatment equipment, controllable atmosphere heat treatment equipment is the current large amount of a broad. Due to the increasingly mechanical and electrical equipment integration, its functions and performance have greatly improved. In particular, the application of microelectronic technology in temperature control and carbon potential control makes the furnace gas components accurately controlled, which can ensure the reproducibility of the process, improve the quality of the heated workpiece and save energy. In recent years, the sealed box furnace to the two-room three-room combination of development, can be used for several heat treatment process. Around energy-saving, new furnace, pre-vacuum furnace come out. In order to reduce the heat dissipation using lightweight insulation materials, welding parts and precision casting instead of the traditional process of manufacturing heat-resistant objects and waste heat utilization, not only to save energy and avoid environmental pollution. In the early 1970s, the nitrogen-based atmosphere and drip-controlled atmospheres were evolving to replace some of the endothermic atmospheres. Low temperature organic liquid cracker come out, but also for small and medium enterprises