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情境教学≠玩弄教具贵州立勇“感人心者,莫先乎情。”一篇文章,要扣住读者心弦,离不开“情”。语文教学亦然,要使课堂教学情趣盎然,必须重视情的诱发,情的陶冶。时下,由著名特级教师李吉林倡导的“情境教学”风靡全国各地,它要求执教者把握课文的情感脉搏,从学生... Situational teaching ≠ playing with teaching aids Guizhou Yong “touching heart, Mo first love.” An article, to captivate the reader's heart, can not do without “love.” Chinese teaching is also true. To make the classroom teaching full of fun, we must attach great importance to the induction of love and the cultivation of love. Nowadays, “situational teaching” advocated by the famous super-teacher Li Ji-lin is popular all over the country and it requires coaches to grasp the emotional pulse of the text from the students ...