Estimate of China's energy carbon emissions peak and analysis on electric power carbon emission

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quantity22
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China’s energy carbon emissions are projected to peak in 2030 with approximately 110%of its 2020 level under the following conditions:1)China’s gross primary energy consumption is 5 Gtce in 2020 and 6 Gtce in 2030;2)coal’s share of the energy consumption is 61%in 2020 and55%in 2030;3)non-fossil energy’s share increases from 15%in 2020 to 20%in 2030;4)through 2030,China’s GDP grows at an average annual rate of 6%;5)the annual energy consumption elasticity coefficient is 0.30 in average;and 6)the annual growth rate of energy consumption steadily reduces to within 1%.China’s electricity generating capacity would be 1,990 GW,with 8,600 TW h of power generation output in 2020.Of that output 66%would be from coal,5%from gas,and 29%from non-fossil energy.By 2030,electricity generating capacity would reach3,170 GW with 11,900 TW h of power generation output.Of that output,56%would be from coal,6%from gas,and 37%from non-fossil energy.From 2020 to 2030,CO2emissions from electric power would relatively fall by 0.2 Gt due to lower coal consumption,and relatively fall by nearly 0.3 Gt with the installation of more coal-fired cogeneration units.During 2020e2030,the portion of carbon emissions from electric power in China’s energy consumption is projected to increase by 3.4 percentage points.Although the carbon emissions from electric power would keep increasing to 118%of the 2020 level in 2030,the electric power industry would continue to play a decisive role in achieving the goal of increase in non-fossil energy use.This study proposes countermeasures and recommendations to control carbon emissions peak,including energy system optimization,green-coal-fired electricity generation,and demand side management. China’s gross energy consumption is 5 Gtce in 2020 and 6 Gtce in 2030; 2) coal’s share of the energy consumption is 61% in 2020 and 55% in 2030; 3) non-fossil energy’s share increases from 15% in 2020 to 20% in 2030; 4) through 2030, China’s GDP grows at an average annual rate of 6%; 5) the annual energy and 6) the annual growth rate of energy consumption steadily reduces to within 1% .China’s electricity generation capacity would be 1,990 GW, with 8,600 TW h of power generation output in 2020.Of that output 66% Electricity generation capacity would reach 3,170 GW with 11,900 TW h of power generation output. Of that output, 56% would be from coal, and 29% from non-fossil energy. By 2030, 6% from gas, and 37% from non-fossil energy. Flash 2020 to 2030, CO2emissions from electric power would rel atively fall by 0.2 Gt due to lower coal consumption, and relatively fall by nearly 0.3 Gt with the installation of more coal-fired cogeneration units. Drawing 2020e2030, the portion of carbon emissions from electric power in China’s energy consumption is projected to increase by 3.4 percentage points. Though the carbon emissions from electric power would keep increasing to 118% of the 2020 level in 2030, the electric power industry would continue to play a decisive role in achieving the goal of increase in non-fossil energy use. countermeasures and recommendations to control carbon emissions peak, including energy system optimization, green-coal-fired electricity generation, and demand side management.
广州美术学院附属中等美术学校 (以下简称广美附中),创建于1954年, 是我国建国后中等美术教育的首批具体实践者。五十多年来的探索进取是与中国美术教育一起成长、伴随着经济
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摘要在我国,由于高职高专学校开设此门课程普遍较晚,电算化教学中仍存在着许多问题。为了使高职高专会计电算化课程的教学达到较好的教学效果,教学中应该注意的问题,需要我们认真归纳总结。  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A    1 电算化教学的意义  狭义的会计电算化是指以电子计算机为主体的信息技术在会计工作中的应用,具体而言,就是利用会计软件,指挥计算机设备替代手工完成或在手工下很难完成的会计工作过