温州蜜柑萎缩病毒(Satsuma dwarf virus,SDV)属于温州蜜柑萎缩病毒属Sadwavirus,其寄主范围广,可侵染几乎所有的柑桔属及其近缘属的植物。感染SDV的柑桔树矮化,叶片为典型的船形或匙形叶,并造成果实品质和产量下降。SDV引起的温州蜜柑萎缩病最初在日本流行,20世纪80年代随引种传入我国,且随着一些优良品种的推广而逐步扩散。目前对温州蜜柑萎缩病尚无有效
Satsuma dwarf virus (SDV) is a member of the Sadwavirus family of Sadwavirus, which has a wide host range and can infect almost all citrus species and their related genera. Citrus trees infected with SDV dwarfed with typical boat-shaped or spatulate leaves and resulted in reduced fruit quality and yield. SDV caused by Wenzhou orange citrus atrophy initially prevailed in Japan in the 1980s with the introduction into China, and with the promotion of some fine varieties and gradually spread. At present, there is no effective on wilt disease of Wenzhou orange