The Iraq War Ended

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  The US military officially declared end of Iraq War with a flag-lowering ceremony on Dec. 15, 2011. And the next day, it handed over its last base in Iraq to the Iraqi authorities.
  “The cost was high—in blood and treasure for the United States and also for the Iraqi people,” American’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said. “But those lives have not been lost in vain, a free, democratic Iraq was worth the sacrifice.”
  On Dec. 31, 2011, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced Dec. 31, which is the day of fulfillment of the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the country, as the National Day of Iraq.
  The National Day of Iraq deserved to be celebrated, but a lot of people expressed worry, including Leon Panetta. He said, “Iraq will be tested in the days ahead by terrorism and by those who would seek to divide it, by economic and social issues, by the demands of democracy itself.”
  The Iraq War was started by the United States in 2003 and toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein. In the bloody eight years, almost 4,500 US soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis lost their lives in the war.
  The underlined word “fulfillment”(in Paragraph 3) probably means_______according to the text.
  A. completion B. obedience
  C. performance D. satisfaction
  (Find the KEY in this issue)
  military 军方,军队
  flag-lowering 降旗
  authority 当局,官方
  democratic 民主的
  withdrawal 撤退
  terrorism 恐怖主义
  democracy 民主
  topple 推翻
  regime 政权
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Hello,夏烈!曾经在杂志上看见有同学向你诉说自己脸大的苦恼(编者注:见2013年3月刊《摘不下的帽子》),这给了我一点勇气,犹豫再三,还是决定把自己的烦恼说与你听……  我在一所普通高中读书。别人眼中的我,应该是一个再平凡不过的、有些胖的、内向的女孩。也许班上的女生会觉得我还挺幽默风趣的,但是男生们一定不这么想。我无意间听到过男生们对我的评价,他们觉得我是个“奇怪的胖女人”。  对于这样的评价