攀西红芒是从果优良品种实生后代中选出的优良品种。果实长卵圆形 ,单果重 15 8.4~2 0 1.3g;青熟果果皮为紫红色 (经后熟褪淡呈鲜红色 ) ,底色为金黄色 ,果皮光滑 ,果粉较厚 ,外观美丽 ;果肉橙黄色 ,肉质细密 ,质地腻滑 ,纤维少 ,芳香 ,品质佳。可溶性固形物含量 2 0 %~ 2 3%。丰产性好 ,抗逆性强。 1997年通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定并命名。已在金沙江干热河谷区示范种植约 5 0 0 hm2 。
Panxi Hongmang is a fine variety from the progeny of fine varieties of mango selected. Fruit oval, fruit weight 15 8.4 ~ 2 0 1.3g; green ripe fruit peel is purple (after ripening faded light red), the background is golden yellow, peel smooth, thick fruit powder, the appearance of beautiful; Orange yellow flesh, fine meat, texture, slippery, less fiber, aromatic, good quality. Soluble solids content 20% ~ 23%. High yield, strong resistance. In 1997 through the Sichuan Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee and named. Approximately 500 hm 2 have been planted in the Jinshan River dry-hot valley.