9月5日:真纱子讲了一个挺没意思的故事,说有一盘录像带,看了的人在一周内就会死掉。友子恰恰也看过这盘录像带,因此,当真纱子走后,她一个人在家便有点儿忐忑不安起来。当她感到身后有什么动静时,死亡已经降临了…… 凡是看过录像带的人都死了,而且死因不清。女记者浅川下决心要将事情调查清楚,她带着儿子阳一来到友子的灵堂了解情况。在友子的屋里,她找到一张冲洗照片的单据,便悄悄地拿了出来。在警察局,浅川看了另一名因同样原因死亡的青年澄田
September 5: Real yarn tells a very boring story, that there is a video tape, people who read will die within a week. Friends of the child just read the tape, so, after the real yarn left, she was a bit at home alone uneasy. Death came when she felt something behind her ... Everyone who watched the video was dead and the cause of death was unclear. Asakawa girl reporter determined to investigate things clearly, she took her son Yoichi to Yomiko’s hall to understand the situation. In Yuzuk’s room, she found a slip of photos and stole it. At the police station, Asakawa saw another young man who died in the same reason