2001年 12月 7日 15时 17分,位于上海市普陀区同普路 1271号的沈家宅烟叶仓库西7库,因烟叶熏蒸引起自燃。不料,时隔不到半小时,15时40分时同普路1196号的该单位东14库也因烟叶熏蒸引发自燃。几乎是在相同的时间,相同的地点,相同的原因,发生了两起相同的火灾。 尽管,由于火灾扑救及时,未酿成太大的损失。但是,对于仓储企业来说,熏蒸杀虫是库存商品养护的重要环节,同时也是一项经常性的工作,熏蒸作业的防火安全不容忽视。因此,我们特地将目光聚焦此起火灾,借此对熏蒸防火作一次透视。
At 7:17 on December 7, 2001, located in Putuo District, Shanghai No. 1271 Tongpu Road Shenji house tobacco warehouse west 7 library, due to fumigation of tobacco caused spontaneous combustion. Unexpectedly, after less than half an hour later, at 1540 hours, the east 14th storey of the unit with No. 1196 Pudao also caused spontaneous combustion due to tobacco leaf fumigation. Almost the same time, the same place, the same reason, two identical fires occurred. Although, due to fire fighting in a timely manner, did not cause too much damage. However, for warehousing enterprises, fumigation insecticide is an important part of the conservation of inventory of goods, but also a regular job, fire safety fumigation can not be ignored. Therefore, we have focused our attention on this fire, so as to provide a perspective on fumigation and fire prevention.