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为了解猕猴桃种植对春季土壤动物群落结构的影响,以混交林和农耕地为对照,采用手捡法和干湿漏斗法对猕猴桃园土壤动物群落结构进行调查和研究.结果显示:试验共采集土壤动物3 195头,平均密度为1.70×104头/m2,分属4门10纲24个类群.其中,猕猴桃园所采集到的土壤动物平均密度为0.98×104头/m2,共14个类群;混交林土壤动物平均密度为1.96×104头/m2,共18个类群;农耕地土壤动物平均密度为2.36×104头/m2,共17个类群.各样地大型、中小型土壤动物密度分别以混交林和农耕地最高,土壤动物个体数量的垂直分布具有表聚性.蜱螨目(A)与弹尾目(C)的比值(A/C)以猕猴桃园和混交林高于农耕地,表明猕猴桃园和混交林受到外界干扰的程度较农耕地轻.样地间土壤动物群落Morisita-Horn相似性系数较Sorenson相似性系数波动更大,说明样地间土壤动物群落各类群相对数量的影响较对其物种组成更大.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀性指数(J)和密度-类群指数(DG)以混交林最高,猕猴桃园最低,而Simpson优势度指数(C)以猕猴桃园最高,混交林最低,表明混交林土壤动物群落结构较猕猴桃园具有更高的稳定性. In order to understand the effect of planting kiwifruit on the structure of soil animal community in spring, the structure of soil animal community in kiwifruit orchard in kiwifruit garden was investigated by hand picking method and dry-wet funnel method with mixed forest and farmland as control.Results showed that soil There are 3 195 heads of animals with an average density of 1.70 × 104 heads / m2, belonging to 4 groups, 10 classes and 24 groups, of which, the average density of soil animals collected in the kiwifruit garden is 0.98 × 104 heads / m2, The average density of soil animals in the mixed forest was 1.96 × 104 heads / m2 with a total of 18 groups.The average density of soil animals in the arable land was 2.36 × 104 heads / m2 with a total of 17 groups.The density of large, medium and small soil soils The highest distribution of mixed forest and farmland, the vertical distribution of soil animal individual quantity is taboo.The ratio of acarina (A) to sturgeon (C) is higher in kiwifruit or mixed forest than in cultivated land, indicating The disturbance of kiwifruit orbital forest and mixed forest was less than that of farmland.The variation of Morisita-Horn similarity coefficient of soil animal community in sample plots had more fluctuation than that of Sorenson similarity coefficient, indicating the influence of the relative quantity of each group of soil animal community More than its species composition The highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H ’), Pielou evenness index (J) and density-group index (DG) were the highest in mixed forest and the lowest in kiwifruit garden while the highest in Simpson dominance index (C) , Mixed forest lowest, indicating that mixed forest soil animal community structure than kiwifruit Park has higher stability.
众所周知,有营养的食物需要正确烹调,才能发挥出其健康功效,对于鸡蛋、鸭蛋等蛋类食品也是如此。近日“明报健康网”刊出香港营养师蔡衍彤总结的“饮食中的六大坏蛋”(坏蛋指数以5颗★为最不健康)。  油炸鸡蛋  坏蛋指数:★★★★★“增癌变风险”。  点评:高温油炸会改变油脂结构,产生大量自由基和反式脂肪,前者侵袭健康细胞,增加细胞癌变机率;后者会增加体内的胆固醇,加大患心脑血管疾病的风险。  咸蛋  坏
2011年11月6~12日,伊斯卡航空工业经理Reuven Shapir先生在中国进行了为期5天的客户拜访,在沈阳、哈尔滨、西安、成都等地,近距离与用户分享了伊斯卡在航空工业的最新成果。Re
In the summer of 2010/2011 Chile suffered the third most severe energy and water supply crisis in only one decade.This may be surprising as the Andes which acco
滑动摩擦力做功可以通过W=fs求出,其中s表示物体通过的路程(不是位移)。本文就应用其分析摩擦力做功情况的两类典型问题进行比较,并由此得出结论,旨在提醒同学们注意问题条件,做到准确、快捷解题。  图1问题一如图1所示,质量为m的物体,在同一竖直平面内分别沿不同的轨道从A滑到B,已知物体与轨道间的动摩擦因数均为μ,试分析在滑行过程中克服摩擦力做功情况?  分析设AB、AD、BD与水平面间的夹角分别为