走出误区 返朴归真——谈阅读教学中的“读书”

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近年来,许多学校每年都要举行青年教师阅读教学公开课比赛,许多教师为上好一堂公开课,钻研大纲,查阅资料,认真备课,有的还请专家反复“会诊”,花了不少力气,教学中也的确取得了令人鼓舞的成绩。但毋庸讳言,教学中也存在一个带有普遍性的问题:教师讲得多,学生读得少;教师讲得细,学生悟得少。以讲挤读,以讲代读,把阅读课变成了“分析课”,似乎不分析就没法进行教学。有的教师分析求深求透,板书滴水不漏,练习防漏求全,满足于表面上的热闹,形式上的严谨,有限的40分钟就在这分析来分析去的问答中不知不觉地过去了。结果教师教得累,学生学得苦,学生的阅读能力得不到培养,朗读、默读、背诵、复述的基本功得不到提高,陷进了“分析问答课”的误区。之所以出现“讲风不停,读风不兴”的怪现象,究其原因,我认为有五点:1.重视语文基础知识的传授,忽视阅读能力的培养;2.注意了正确结果的得出,忽略了思维过程的感悟;3.学生的阅读时间得不到保障,被挪作做题或讲课用,使学生读书的机会减少;4.教师不研究指导学生如何读,而是让学生盲目地一遍又一遍地读,单调机械,削弱了学生读书的兴趣;5.一些领导在评议一堂课时,往往强调教师讲得如何,不问学生读得怎样,这在客观上为重讲轻读起了推波助澜的作用。 In recent years, many schools hold annual open reading competitions for young teachers. Many teachers work hard to open classes, study outline, consult materials and prepare lessons carefully. Some have also invited experts to repeatedly “consult” and have spent a lot of effort Indeed, the teaching has indeed achieved encouraging results. Needless to say, there is also a universal problem in teaching: teachers speak more and students read less; teachers speak less and students become less aware. To say crowded reading, to speak for reading, the reading class into a “analytical class”, it seems that no analysis can not be taught. Some teachers seek perfection, the board does not leak drip, practice leak seeking the whole, content with the surface of the lively, formal rigor, a limited 40 minutes in this analysis to analyze the question and answer in the unknowingly passed. Results Teachers were tired of learning, students were suffering, and students' reading ability was not cultivated. The basic skills of reading aloud, reading, reciting and repeating were not enhanced and they were trapped in the errors of “analyzing questions and answers”. The reason why there is a strange phenomenon like “non-stop talking style and bad mood in reading style” is the reason why I think there are five points: 1. Pay attention to the teaching of Chinese basic knowledge and neglect the cultivation of reading ability; 2. Pay attention to the correct result 3, the students' reading time can not be guaranteed, they are diverted to do questions or lectures, so that students have fewer opportunities to study; 4 teachers do not study how to guide students to read, but to let Students blindly read over and over again, monotonous machinery, undermining the interest of students to study; 5. Some leaders in the evaluation of a class, often emphasize how teachers speak, regardless of how the students read, which is objectively emphasized Read played a role in fueling.
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