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随着科学技术的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对生活现代化的追求越来越迫切。为了适应这种趋势,汽车市场规模不断扩大,新品牌汽车不断涌现,在走向成熟的车市上掀起一轮又一轮激烈的竞争。如何才能在汽车市场上占有一席之地,把自已的产品及时有效地推销给消费者呢?为了寻找销路,拓展市场,厂家和商家都自然而然地想到了广告这一促销手段。广告需要媒体的传播,如今,媒体大战业已初露端倪,如电视、广播、报刊、杂志等,此外又新增了 Internet 广告、电影贴广告、BP 机广告、电话广告等,使媒体之间的战局更为混乱。而汽车广告该如何选择最佳媒体呢?受中国广告协会报纸委员会和中国报业协会广告委员会的委托,由中国人民大学统计学系和北京道亨广告有限责任公司组织实施,于1998年夏初结束的汽车广告调查结果显示汽车厂家和商家已将国内报纸作为自身发布广告的 With the development of science and technology and the improvement of living standard, people’s pursuit of life modernization is more and more urgent. In order to adapt to this trend, the auto market has been expanding in size and new brand cars are constantly emerging. Rounds of intense competition have been set off in the mature automobile market. How can we have a place in the automotive market, to sell their products in a timely and effective manner to consumers? In order to find outlets, expand the market, manufacturers and businesses naturally think of advertising as a promotional tool. Advertising needs the media to disseminate. Nowadays, the media war industry has begun to show its clues, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines and so on. In addition, Internet advertisements, movie stick advertisements, BP advertisements and telephone advertisements have been added so that media War situation is more chaos. And how to choose the best car advertising it? By the China Advertising Association newspaper committee and China Press Association Advertising Commission commissioned by the Renmin University of China Department of statistics and Beijing Daoheng Advertising Co., Ltd. organized the implementation of early summer 1998 The end of the car ads survey results show that car manufacturers and businesses have domestic newspapers as their own advertising
【关键词】信息技术;模拟电子技术;教学;整合  在我国高校电子技术类专业中普遍开设了模拟电子技术课程,它虽然属于一门基础性学科,但是它的学习难度大、不易理解。近年来,高校为提高各专业的教学质量,加大校内软硬件设施的建设,尤其是互联网技术的应用,它为信息技术与模拟电子技术教学的整合提供了有力条件。高校只有抓住机遇,才能有效提高模拟电子技术课程教学质量。  1 信息技术与模拟电子技术教学整合的教学模式