In Chinese context, there are mainly four kinds of Berlin’s misunderstood and misunderstood phenomena. First, passive negativity is misunderstood as freedom not to do anything. In fact, passive freedom is not a freedom not to do anything, but there is no external man-made obstacles. Second, positive freedom is mistakenly equated with the freedom of the ancient people. However, Berlin’s positive freedom is not necessarily the freedom of the ancient people, but the freedom of the ancient people must belong to the category of positive freedom. Third, pluralism is misread as relativism. However, in Berlin’s view, the core characteristic of relativism is subjectivity and incomprehension, while the core characteristic of pluralism is objectivity and comprehensibility. Fourth, pluralism is mistakenly considered as the theoretical basis of liberalism. Although Berlin thought that pluralism was the basis of liberalism in his early years, his later years thought that there was no logical relation between pluralism and liberalism.