由于冶金企业列车运行速度及密度不断提高,因而各厂矿为提高车站通过能力、保证安全行车,均在有计划有步骤地扩建和新建电气集中车站。(电气集中车站可根据值班员开通进路的各种要求,在30秒钟内自动开通进路上的有关道岔到规定的位置。) 有了电气集中车站可提高车站咽喉通过能力60~100%,提高到发线通过能力20~25%,并能改善劳动条件,一般3~4年即可收回成本。由于列
As the speed and density of trains in metallurgical enterprises continue to increase, factories and mines expand and construct new electric centralized stations in a planned and step-by-step manner in order to improve the passage capacity of stations and ensure safe driving. (The electric concentrated station can open the relevant turnout on the route to the specified position automatically within 30 seconds according to the requirements of the attendant opening the route.) Having the electric concentrated station can improve the passing capacity of the station throat by 60% to 100% To improve the hair line through the ability of 20 to 25%, and to improve working conditions, usually 3 to 4 years to recover the cost. Due to column