父母说,我一周岁的时候家里“试周”,在摆满各种生活用品的桌子上,我伸出小手去摸的竟是一本书。于是父母断定我今后是一个“书呆子”。 后来,也许就是在这种游戏的启发下,我真的迷恋了书。刚刚识字不久,就“高起点”,“博览群书”。当时看书的方法是一种纯粹的浏览,看得懂便看,看不懂就跳过去,从故事的情节中寻找乐趣。久之便成了一部扫描机器。一目十行,一天一大本。速度快,书源就成了问题,书店、图书馆、同学们手里的书,都成了我涉猎的目标。那时
My parents said that when I was a year old, my family was trying out a week-long test at a table full of all kinds of daily necessities. So my parents decided that I would be a “bookworm” in the future. Later, maybe inspired by this game, I really obsessed with the book. Just literacy soon, on the “high starting point”, “Expo group book.” At that time, the method of reading a book was purely browsing, reading and reading, jumping over without reading it, and finding pleasure in the plot of the story. A long time has become a scanning machine. A ten lines a day a big one. Fast, book source has become a problem, bookstore, library, students in the hands of the book, have become my target. At that time