Promoting Qilu culture and strengthening cultural confidence

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  The Chinese nation has had a fine history of “changing generations and revising history” and collating classics literature since ancient times,which has created a large number of classics literatures. Classics literature is the spirit of China and the soul of the nation,which is the basis of realizing the great renaissance of the Chinese nation and building cultural self-confidence.It is the duty of every Chinese people to study and make the best use of these cultural heritages and protect the precious classic literature of the Chinese nation.
  In the speech at UNESCO Headquarters, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “In the process of realizing the Chinese dream, the Chinese people will promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese civilization in accordance with the new progress of the times, activate their vitality, and transcend time and space. The cultural spirit that transcends the country, has eternal charm, and has contemporary values is carried forward, so that the cultural relics collected in the museum, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the characters written in the ancient books are all alive, and the Chinese civilization and the people of the world are created. Together with the rich and colorful civilization, it provides humans with the right spiritual guidance and strong spiritual motivation.”
  The protection of ancient books, the work in the contemporary, the benefit of the future! It is not easy for a precious ancient book to be preserved after thousands of years of circulation and repeated disasters. In the pages of these precious ancient books that have been broken yellow, they not only bear the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors, but also tell us the vicissitudes of history. Ancient books are the important civilization achievements created by the Chinese nation in the course of thousands of years of historical development. They contain the unique spiritual values and thinking concepts of the Chinese nation. They are the historical witnesses of the Chinese civilization that have lasted for thousands of years and are in the same vein. This is the precious spirit of the Chinese nation. Wealth is also an important form of inheritance of civilization and a non-renewable cultural resource.
  Once youth is over, it can never come back, never see a second sunrise in a day. We should encourage ourselves when we are in the prime of life, for time passes without waiting for others.Today, when socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new age, there will not be a great renaissance of the Chinese nation without a high degree of cultural confidence and cultural prosperity.We should cherish the hard-won learning and practice opportunities, in order to keep a positive attitude, try to finish each task, with high sense of responsibility, rigorous learning attitude and serious work style, actively carry forward the excellent traditional culture. Just like the xi general secretary said in 19th major report, the contemporary Chinese communists and the Chinese people must be able to take on a new cultural mission, and in practice to create cultural creativity, realize the cultural progress in the historical progress.
  As a college student in the new age, we should guard the
【摘要】在中学阶段开展职业规划教育尤为重要。职业规划是指为一个人进行整体职业规划和设计的过程。中学生进行职业生涯规划教育,对中学生未来发展和职业生涯规划具有重要意义。本文分析了对初中生进行职业生涯规划教育的意义,以及对中学生学习的促进作用,并提出了一些具体方法。  【关键词】初中生;职业生涯规划教育  【作者简介】钟依然,广州市增城区荔城街第三中学。  我国的职业生涯规划教育在高校已经普遍展开,称
【摘要】自然拼读法是目前以英语为母语的国家,学生记忆单词、锻炼口语、开展阅读、培养写作的重要方法。随着该教学方法在我国英语教育教学中的引入,越来越多的教育工作者开始认识到其应用价值。基于此,本文从自然拼读的实践方法出发,结合小学英语素养培养要求探索自然拼读法的应用策略,以期帮助学生找到更加科学有效的学习方法。  【关键词】自然拼读法;小学英语;教学实践;应用策略  【作者简介】白小皙,江苏省宜兴市
【摘要】文章介绍了层次分析方法确定评价指标权重的一般过程,尝试用Excel进行简单计算,操作比Matlab等软件便捷,用以辅助大学英语教学团队进行决策具有一定的实用性。  【关键词】层次分析法;决策;Excel  【作者简介】王榛,四川工程职业技术学院。  一、引言  层次分析法(Analyze Hierarchy Process)简称AHP法,是美国运筹学家Thomas L Saaty教授于20
【摘要】在如今互联网 的时代背景下,高职英语智慧课堂的构建成了很多人研究的目标。这既可以促进高职英语的提高,也可以促进高职英语课堂的整体改进。本文将在解析智慧课堂内涵的基础上,结合具体的案例来对智慧课堂进行仔细的讲解和深入的分析。主要是通过对于任课教师的个性化构建以及学生所需求的不同来进行主要分析。目的就是为了能够更深入地对高职英语智慧课堂的构建,有着更多的经验,为后来高职英语课堂的深入提供更多的
【摘要】在新时代背景下,教师角色不断变化发展。在课堂话语分析的热潮中,越来越多的学者对教师角色进行了系统的共性研究。本文以课堂话语为切入点,初步探讨了英语教师角色在课堂话语中的体现,并分析探讨了两者之间的内在联系。  【关键词】课堂话语;教师角色;话语功能  【作者简介】朱丽丽,上海财经大学浙江学院。  一、引言  教师所使用的课堂话语体现出教师的素质,也是能否有效发挥其作用的关键点。在课堂教学中
【摘要】语言是日常沟通互动必不可少的工具,要保证英语语言的顺畅沟通,必须要具备丰富的单词储备,从而形成完整语句,表达正确的含义。由此可见,单词是英语语言学习和利用的基础,也是英语教学的重点,直接关乎学生语言能力的发展。所以要想提升英语教学效果,必须抓好单词教学,积极探究提升单词教学有效性的策略,明确新课改对单词教学提出的更高要求,创新和优化单词教学活动,促进学生整体语言素质的提高。  【关键词】初
【摘要】虽然“听说领先,读写跟上”是英语教学中的一个重要原则,也早已形成了共识,但是在实际的英语教学中并没有充分重视英语口语,不少学生学了十几年的英语,有嘴就是开不了口,“哑巴英语”一直没有改观。以薄弱地区中学英语口语教学为研究对象,发现存在于其中的典型问题,继而提出相应策略。激发学生学习口语兴趣,推动口语的交流,使学生能够掌握一定的知识与技能,使所掌握的语言技能满足当今社会的需求。  【关键词】