我是一位退休老教师,今年84岁了,仍然背不驼,眼不花,耳不聋,体健力旺,精神矍烁。之所以得以长寿,与我多年一直坚持练仿生保健操有关。如平时经常像猫儿一样伸伸懒腰,像棕熊一样摇晃几下脑袋和脖子,像鸡鸭一样抖抖“翅膀”。现将这套适合中老年人的保健操介绍如下。 1.仿蛇操:挺身直立,双手上举,提踵。模仿蛇爬行的动作,双手向两边摆动,同时扭动双腿。此操有强健脊柱功效。若头部能同时左右转动,还能益视力。
I am an old retired teacher. I am 84 years old. I am still young, I am not blindfolded. The reason why longevity, and I have been insisting on practicing aerobics for many years. As usual, it usually stretches like a cat, shaking its head and neck like a brown bear, shaking its wings like a chicken or a duck. Now this set of exercises for the elderly introduced as follows. 1. imitation snake: upright, hands on the move, mention heel. Reptile snake crawling action, both hands swinging to both sides, while twisting legs. This operation has a strong spine effect. If the head can turn around at the same time, but also benefit eyesight.