Au-nanocluster-loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles with enhanced cellular uptake for fluorescen

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbl7623308
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Protein-directed fluorescent Au nanoclusters have been widely studied owing to their potential applications in sensing, imaging, and drug and gene delivery. However, the use of nanoclusters in drug delivery is limited by low cellular uptake. In this study, human serum albumin-directed Au nanoclusters served as building blocks to obtain protein nanoparticles by desolvation. The nanoparticles had a decent quantum yield (QY), high colloidal stability and low cytotoxicity, and they could be readily conjugated with biological molecules. The cellular uptake of the Au nanoclusters and nanocluster-loaded protein nanoparticles were studied by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Agglomeration of the protein-directed Au nanoclusters into 50–150-nm nanoparticles dramatically increased the cellular uptake.
光学整流效应是产生宽带太赫兹波最有效的手段之一,基于光学整流效应产生太赫兹波的方法主要依靠抽运光与非线性晶体之间的相互作用。分别以5 mm的磷化镓(GaP)块状晶体和6 mm的GaP波导结构作为太赫兹波发射晶体,对具有相同功率的贝塞尔光束中心光斑和高斯光束的光学整流效率进行了对比研究。实验结果表明,在GaP块状晶体中,贝塞尔光束的光学整流效率是高斯光束的2.04倍;波导的特殊结构可以使抽运光和太赫兹波之间实现严格的相位匹配,贝塞尔光束的相对效率增加为3.46倍。两种抽运光产生的太赫兹波场均具有高斯分布特性
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